2009 was definitely a full year! Right off the bat I started the year by going back to school for my MBA at Piedmont college. It has been challenging at times but I am holding my own in my classes. I have met a lot of really cool people and have learned a lot about business as well. So far the best thing I have learned is how to be a good manager and how to not be a good manager. So far the program has flown by and I should be graduating at the end of July!
This past Spring was a lot of fun! We got 6 inches of snow here in March, which completely shut down the whole state of Georgia. It was really great to have a snow day! We also went on a trip to Boone, NC with a ton of our friends. We spent the weekend in the mountains playing games, shopping, and some had fun on the slopes.

This year Eric and I spent a lot of time outside exploring Georgia. We paddled 40 miles down the Altamaha River, hiked several trails in North Georgia including 40 miles on the Appalachian Trail, camped overnight on the AT, on the river, and at Cumberland Island. A lot of these adventures we shared with our new Friends Kelly & Michelle.

This Summer we also traveled to Charleston, Savannah, Minnesota, and Oregon. The visit to Oregon was bitter-sweet. We flew out there for my Grandmothers funeral and it was hard to say goodbye but it was also a time that we were able to spend with my extended family. We all had a good time remembering my Grandma and Grandpa together.
This Summer I also had a setback in my employment. Because of the "Economy" my manager had to cut my hours in half. This news was devastating at first but Eric and I made it by on what we had until I got a Part-time grad assistantship at my school. I have really enjoyed working at Piedmont and I have met some great people through this job. It has also given me the opportunity to work more on my studies which I cant complain about!
This Fall, Eric and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary. Instead of going away to a B&B in Asheville, SC we stayed home because Eric had the Flu. He was sick for a good seven days and miraculously I didn't catch it from him! Once he got better we took our trip out to Asheville and enjoyed the Fall leaves in the mountains!
This year we were lucky to have our families and Eric's friend Gabe visit a few times. It is always great for us to have visitors from our home in MN! We were also fortunate to go home for Christmas... Since that JUST happened I will spare you the details. ;)

Over the past year Eric and I have also grown close to our new church in Athens. We have made some really good friends in the church and we are excited to meet more as the church is growing. We have learned so much this past year through our Wednesday Bible study and I cant wait to see what we lean this year!
All in all it has been a great year and we have truly been blessed! 2010 holds a lot of good things in store for us: Graduating with an MBA, more traveling (to Costa Rica in March!), more camping & hiking, and growing ever closer to the Lord. We are hoping to buy a car in the near future and we also plan on selling our house in preparation of Eric being done with school in the next year and a half. When I graduate in July I need to find a new job. I do enjoy my work at the hospital but I need a full-time job and I don't think they will have one for me. As the next few months fly by we have a lot of changes coming our way. I know God will provide and that something will work out, but getting to that point is always a little scary!
I hope you had a good 2009 and have many things to look forward to in 2010, Happy (belated) New Years!!