It has already been a week!?!? WOW.
In my last post, I mentioned that Eric and I would be helping out on the Farm this past Saturday. Well we got up early Saturday morning to head out to Roots Farm. When we left the house it was already 75 degrees. It was going to be a hot one! When we got to the farm we were given instructions on what needed to be done....weeding! We weeded a lot! Luckily for us, they had awesome weeding tools. I heart the stirrup hoe! I would say we did 2 1/2 hours worth of weeding. We also prepped a few rows to plant other veggies. For our last hour we processed carrots. All we did was cut off the carrot greens, washed the carrots and then separated them into Firsts (pretty & not damaged) and Seconds (ugly & damaged). After all of our hard work, we were treated to a yummy lunch from the farmers. We had a great time, worked hard, sweat a lot, and learned some about farming! I am ready to do it again next time!
While we were at the farm I was excited to see a few things growing that we have yet to get in our CSA....There was sweet and spicy peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, melons, blackberries, figs and corn! And...some of it came in the CSA today!
This week we got:
-Red Potatoes
-Pole Beans
-Summer Squash
-Lemon Basil (it smells like lemons!)
-Blackberries & Blueberries!

I know it really isn't the right season, but this week I plan to use the cabbage, potatoes, and carrots in a Corned Beef & Cabbage recipe from my friend LeAnne. I also plan to bake something with our zucchini and come up with something creative with the yummy lemon basil. Any suggestions?