About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii

OK....so you are probably wondering who is Talula!?! No....I did not go to Hawaii, nor do I know anyone named Talula. Apparently, "Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii" is the name a little girl from New Zealand was given when she was born. What was this parent thinking!?!?!
I came across this story on CNN.com and I just couldn't believe some of the other names it listed that people actually named their children! Now I am all about unique names...but "Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii"....come on people!

So what I want to know is...have you ever met anyone with an unusual name? Or maybe you hate the name your parents gave you. Please share with us!! It cant be as bad as "Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii" :)

1 comment:

Matt and Katie Moore said...

A teacher friend of mine, Jesse, had a student come in for the first day of kindergarten named "Fruitstand." She wouldn't have believed it except that all the kids had to wear nametags, and that's what the mom wrote on his. Jesse called this little boy Fruitstand all day, and at three o'clock she unpinned the nametag to see where Fruitstand was supposed to get off the school bus and it said anthony. Now that's a funny name story!