About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Monday, July 7, 2008

Grad school??

So I have been thinking a lot lately of going back to school for my Masters. I know I am crazy since my husband is still in grad school and will be for the next 3 years....but here are my reasons why:
1. To advance my career
2. Have something to do in my spare time
3. This would be the best time (living in college town, before kids, do homework while the hubby is doing homework....)
4. And to just plain learn more

There are also several reasons why I shouldn't go back to school.....
1. Eric is still in school
2. It would take forever (as I will still have to work full-time)
4. Did I really enjoy school before!?!?! :)

I am not sure what route I would take....MBA? Masters in Communication? Some other business related degree?? No idea....but I am mulling it over for now. What do you think???


Matt and Katie Moore said...

Jill, I think you should definitely go for it! It is up to you and Eric when that is (you made a convincing argument both ways about now or later). But I know you will be a success.

Melissa said...

DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU CRAZYY!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Im kiddin Jill..you'd be great at it...:) Just come at with me any text books! hehehhehe