About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Ok, so my friend Katie told me that there were thousands and thousands of Armadillos on Cumberland Island. I figured she was exaggerating a little (or a lot :) But she was totally right! Everywhere we turned there was an Armadillo digging through the dirt to try and find its food. After getting used to them, I decided they were kind of cute...I know who thinks a rodent/turtle with hairy legs and ears is cute....well I do! :)

Along with the Armadillos (and horses) we saw several species of "song birds" (as the park calls them), seagulls, sandpipers, dead jelly fish (I thought they were cool), a snake, opossum, deer, and a few dolphins wile on our trip.

1 comment:

Matt and Katie Moore said...

Okay....I thought armadillos were cute too, until I got a little too close to a herd of them and they started chasing me. It was like an ambush....