About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Friday, October 10, 2008

Southern Slang

So I have lived in the South for a little over 2 years now and I have picked up a little bit of an accent (according to my friends from MN) but I have not picked up on the Southern Slang. Southern Slang, as I call it, are words or phrases that people use down here that I had NEVER heard of before moving here. For instance... when you go to the grocery store what do you put your groceries in? I call it a Cart... people here call it a Buggy. :)

Another thing people down here say are quirky little sayings like..."That dog don't hunt." These always make me laugh.

My favourite saying though is... "Bless your heart!" This is commonly used when someone is having a bad day...you say in response to their sorrows "Bless your heart!" or even can be used to make up for something negative you say like...."That girl is a witch! Bless her heart..." It is a very versatile saying but unfortunately (or fortunately) I have not picked up on it or any of the other slang. :) I guess I need to live down here longer!!


Matt and Katie Moore said...

What in the heck does "that dog don't hunt" mean??? I know I'm not technically a georgian either...but I have never heard anyone say that!?!?hahahah

Missy said...

Ok...so to solve the mystery of the hunting dog...You may never have heard it because it is actually "that dog'll hunt" a variation on "that dog will hunt" we here in the south are positive and avoid the negative conotations of "that dog don't hunt." Hope that helps :)

Jillian said...

In my defense, I have heard people say "That dog don't hunt"...Sorry!

Matt and Katie Moore said...

I still have no idea of what that translates to....

Missy said...

Katie, you should get a coon dog...apparently that helps one understand. I do not personally have a coon dog but know people who do. Jill, I believe you. Believe me...I believe you. Folks in the South can't keep their story straight most of the time anyway :)

LouHou said...

Well, I realize this is an old post. But, if you stumble up on it, like I did today, and need some enlightment:
I have lived in Georgia all my life, and allow me to speak here. "That dog don't hunt," basically means a person that just does not get it, or try to get it,a person who does not care to try. A good example is the comments made by Missy. A coon dog has absolutely nothing to do with the meaning of this quote, other than being a dog.And, believe me, folks from the South are some of the most honest, and are not afraid to speak whats on their mind. They will tell it like it is, good or bad, you'll get the whole straight story-whether you like it or not. Missy sounds a lot like a dog that don't hunt in Georgia.

jhelleloid said...

LouHou, thank you for your comment. Just as an FYI.... Missy is a born and raised Georgian!