About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have decided to stop drinking caffeine. Two weeks ago I stopped drinking coffee in the mornings. This week I have stopped drinking Diet Coke. I am allowing myself to have coffee on the weekends when I am studying and Coke if we go out to eat. Other than that, no caffeine for me. I bet you are wondering why in the world would you give up these two delicious beverages?? I am starting to ask myself the same thing after having a headache all day....but I will continue to press on. My goal is to no longer be dependent caffeine and to hopefully loose some weight by not drinking it as often. I hear that caffeine is not good for your metabolism... who knows if this is some Myth and I am giving up Caffeine for no good reason. Hopefully, I will start to see some results... 1. Not being so irritable in the mornings 2. no caffeine headaches 3. loose some weight.

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