About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Happenings

Since being back from Costa Rica we have been busy busy busy! Since I have been so busy, I haven't blogged in a while...this will be a long one!

My school session this Spring is challenging and I am waiting until May 3rd for it to be over so I will hopefully have some more free time! I will have two weeks off, then back to school for my final 8 weeks!! Right now I am working on my capstone project...which is the equivalent of your masters thesis. It is challenging but I am learning a lot. As the end of my program comes near, I am still trying to figure out my future. This has proven to be very frustrating in a small college town where there isn't a lot of room to grow unless you are connected to the right people. So for now, I will wait and see what opens up for me.

Eric has also been very busy with school. A few weeks ago he found out that he won an award for being an outstanding graduate teaching assistant at UGA. Wednesday was Honors Day at UGA and there was a ceremony honoring the students, faculty, and teaching assistants who won an honors award. Eric will also be honored next Friday by his department. I am so proud of him! Eric also found out Wednesday that he was accepted into the Future Faculty program at UGA. This program is a workshop that will help Eric prepare for being a teacher once he graduates from UGA. Again, I am so proud and happy for him!!

Spring it in full force here in Athens, GA. The pollen count here is ridiculous! This week there has been a yellow haze over everything! Your car, the roads, the wind, is all yellow. If you sit outside for more than 10 min, you will also be yellow. :)

Even though the pollen kind of sucks, everything has been blooming. The daffodils, tulips, saucer magnolias, and Bradford pear trees have all bloomed. The dogwoods, redbuds, and azaleas are in bloom now. It is so beautiful!! Here is a pic I got a week or two ago of our neighbors saucer magnolia, this tree is huge and super pretty in bloom!

My azaleas have also started blooming....

Today we went to the Growers Outlet in Loganville and purchased a lot of plants for super cheap! We planted a lot in our shade garden and in pots on our back deck. It was great to get my hands in the dirt! I will post more on that soon once I get some pictures of the plants, and some more time to blog. :)

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