About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A sad day for Bulldog's Fans

Well last night Eric and I went to the UGA vs Alabama game. There was a lot of hype for this game and we were so excited to go to the game!! Eric wanted to sell our tickets but because it was going to be a Blackout game...I wanted to go (and not get us the extra $300 we would have gotten from selling our tickets)....boy did we, well, I guess I made a mistake! The Dawgs played very badly and it was just painful to watch the 1st half. After 1/2 time things got a little better and we thought we might be able to catch up. But we were wrong....so disappointing!


Melissa said...

when did you and Eric get a kid??? :)

Matt and Katie Moore said...

I'm sorry I missed everyone this day. Looks like yáll had a lot of fun.