About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Community Supported Agriculture is program where people from the community support local farmers by purchasing a share of their crop for a season. You can read up on CSAs on Full Moon Farm's website...Full Moon Farms is who we purchased our CSA from for this summer! We get 10 weeks worth of organic, local veggies for only $15 a week! Here is our first weeks worth of veggies (keep in mind we are splitting a share between our friends the VanDellen's).

First up... mixed salad greens...yum!

We also got some radishes, beats, and leaks...

Now unfortunately nothing is labeled in the box of veggies so I have NO IDEA what the following veggies are....can anyone help me?!?! First person to tell me what all three of the veggies are will win a box of PartyLite Clementine and Clove votives!!!

1 comment:

Matt and Katie Moore said...

Okay. Here is goes. Its a little hard to tell, because they're a little shriveled in the pictures, but I'm pretty sure this is correct.

1) Regular collards
2) Beet greens
3) Red Russian Kale