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Minneapolis, MN, United States

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Costa Rica: Playa Flamingo

Playa Flamingo is a cute little town with lots of beaches near by. We stayed in a nice two bedroom condo that had a kitchen and a great pool. We spent 3 days at several different beaches. We would get up every morning early, eat breakfast at the condo and then head out to the beach for some fun in the sun and ocean waves. In the afternoon we would head to the pool (and the shade!) for some more rest & relaxation time. Our favorite beach was Playa Grande. The beach seemed to stretch for miles and miles. There were a lot of surfers at this beach and even some fishermen. Here are some pics from Playa Grande:

I have to say our last day at Playa Flamingo was the best. We started out the morning at Sugar Beach Hotel for breakfast. At breakfast there were these beautiful birds that were waiting for some crumbs to be left on the tables. When the group next to us left their table, a bird swooped in and stole some sugar packets! Here is a picture of one of these funny birds....

After breakfast we hit up Playa Pan de Azucar (Sugar bread beach) and Playa Punta Danta. The water at both places was a perfect shade of blue. At Playa Punta Danta we did a little snorkeling. Eric and I found some small fish but had a hard time getting some good pictures....

Snorkeling was fun, but I got drilled by a few waves on the way back in and needed a break! We went back to the condo for some lunch before heading back to Playa Grande. At Playa Grande we rented a surfboard and two boogie boards. We had a great time (and a few minor injuries) out on the waves...here are more pictures....

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