About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Overly excited

Soon we will be taking a well overdue vacation to Costa Rica! I am overly excited to be going. Our first stop is at Arenal Volcano where we will be staying at the Observatory Lodge. The volcano does have an active lava flow and we should be able to see it from the lodge. I have never seen an active volcano and to be honest it is a little scary! I know we will be fine though! The current conditions at Arenal are 65-70° F. I cant wait to be somewhere warm! It has been cold, wet, and windy here for way too long. I am just ready to be outside hiking, swimming, and exploring. While at Arenal we will be able to do some hiking to a waterfall, around the volcano, and swim in a natural hot springs.

After a day at the volcano the rest of our time will be spent at on the Nicoya Peninsula. We will be staying at Playa Flamingo a few nights and then going to Montezuma. The weather will be in the high 80s and in the 60s for night time lows. I plan to spend a lot of time on the beach enjoying some sun and snorkeling. We also plan to go on a zip line through the jungle. Eric and I did this on our honeymoon and it was a great experience. I cant wait to do it again! We will also do some more hiking and go to Costa Rica's first natural reserve Cabo Blanco.

Again, I am overly excited and just cant wait to get away!! You know I will have a lot of pictures for you when I get back! Adios!!

1 comment:

GreenPilot said...

you guys need to hurry up and get back. hope you're having fun though!