About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Costa Rican Roads

While in Costa Rica you need to be very careful while driving. There are MANY obstacles you will face while driving from place to place. For example while driving we had problems with :

1. The locals standing on the side of the road and not moving an inch out of the way when you drive by them.
2. Pot holes, rocks, and big bumps in the roads
3. Little to no road signs directing you to your destination

and last but not least....
4. COWS!

We saw several cows in the road blocking our way. Sometimes it was because they got out and were meandering around and sometimes it was because they were being moved by their owners and the road is apparently the best way to do it. Here is a group of cows being herded by some Costa Rican Cowboys.... one of the many times we had to wait for a cow in the road.

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