About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Cat is out of the Bag

We have decided to make our cats outdoor cats. As I have mentioned before, we have started letting the cats out onto our back deck. Yesterday we decided to let them just go where they wanted to go. Unfortunately Rainy, our female cat, is not up to date on her shots so...she didn't get to roam. The first one "out of the bag" is our other cat Heidegger. He seemed to be in his element. He wondered off for about an hour and then came right back. Since then he comes and goes often but hasn't been away for an extended period of time. I can tell that he is loving some freedom!

Rainy on the other hand, liked being on the deck all day. At one point we caught her "hiding" under our grill...I am not sure if she was scared or just liked being in a tight space. I think it was pretty cute though.


Melissa said...

my moms cat...who has inadvertently become our cat...is and indoors/outdoors cat and she brings us all kind of sweet presents all the time..ugh. They LOVE the freedom but BEWARE of them bringing you gifts! heheehhe :)

Melaney said...

Ok Jillian... I laughed when I read this post too. We just started letting our cats go outside and it's been so much fun to watch. Are you and I living parallel lives from different sides of Athens?