About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cat Pee

How can this adorable little kitty cause so much trouble?? It is possible...our male cat (Heidegger) keeps peeing all over our furniture. First the couch in the basement now our good couch upstairs. No matter how many times I clean it he keeps on peeing. Our female cat (Rainy) has no problem going in the litter box...why cant her brother follow her example?? It is driving us insane!! How do we keep this little creature from peeing all over the house? Our first step, effective tomorrow, will be to lock him in the basement while we are not home. Then, sometime this week, I will be bringing him to the Vet to see if there is anything else we can do. He might just become an outdoors cat yet.


Anonymous said...

I have a solution but you probably don't want to hear it! :)

Good seeing you last weekend.

Jillian said...

I have gotten that response from some other people and honestly at this point... it is a possible option.

Matt and Katie Moore said...

There is a pet product, sold at most pet stores, called "No go" and others like it. It is supposed to deter pets from peeing in certain locations. This might help, but also may deter him to pee in places he's yet to discover.