About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Grandma

Early this morning my wonderful Grandma passed away. Her health had been failing for some time now but that never seems to help knowing we were going to loose her. I love my Grandma very much and I will miss her greatly. She was a strong intelligent independent woman and I only hope to be like her some day. She was a great story teller and would talk your ear off if you gave her the chance. She was a wonderful wife, mother, sister, and grandmother and she will never be forgotten. I will always remember that she sent me a car on every holiday (not only the major holidays but also St. Patric's Day, V-day, etc) with $5 in it. For some reason I would never remember it would be coming but when it came in the mail it always made my day. I hope I will always make her proud. I love you Grandma.

1 comment:

GreenPilot said...

jill-my sympathies on the passing of your grandmother. I am already dreading the day I lose mine. you and the family are in my prayers this week.