About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This past weekend we flew out to Oregon for my Grandmother's funeral. It was hard to say goodbye but it was a great time remembering her (and my Grandfather who passed away 2 years ago). My parents, Aunt Julie, Uncle Hal, and Cousins Lauren and Dane were all there for the weekend. It was great to be around family and celebrate who our family was and still is.

I have to say that I will miss visiting Medford, Oregon. It is a beautiful town in the valley nestled in between the mountains. There are pear orchards, vineyards, and olive groves all over and has so much history. Plus the weather was perfect. Hot during the day (with NO humidity!!) and cool in the mornings and nights. It was also great to be outside at night and not have to worry about bugs. Yes, that's right. Believe it or not they have NO bugs! It was just lovely.

As always it was hard to say goodbye to family when the weekend was over but hopefully we will be seeing each other again soon.

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