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Minneapolis, MN, United States

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to the 90's

On Friday night, Eric and I went to a free concert at the Navy school with my friends Bethany, Katie & Casey. We started off the night at Normal Bar and had a couple drinks before walking over to the school. This free concert (in the park) brought us all back to the 90's with Blessid Union of Souls and Sister Hazel singing their hit songs.

First up was Blessid Union of Souls. They had a few no. 1 hits back in the late 90's such as "I Believe", "Hey Leonardo" (AKA She likes me for me), and "Let me be the one." Blessid Union of Souls was pretty low key. Everyone sat in their chairs or on the blankets and bopped their heads and sang along to the music.

After a short break after Blessid Union of Souls ended their set Sister Hazel hit the stage and everyone jumped to their feet and rushed towards the stage. Including Casey. She LOVES both bands but was most excited to see Sister Hazel. Sister Hazel has a few more hits than Blessid Union of Souls. Some of the well known songs are "All for you", "This kind of Love", and "Your Winter."

The concert was a ton of fun! The weather was perfect and the music was great! The music brought me back to the 90's and on Saturday morning I promptly opened my iTunes and downloaded a few Sister Hazel and Blessid Union of Souls songs. Doesn't it bring you back?

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