About Me

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A long time coming

So these pictures have been on my camera forever!! So sorry for the late posting...

Back in August, my friend Bethany's husband threw her a surprise birthday party. This just wasn't any birthday party...it was a Jane Austin book club inspired tea party. The party was held at the Founders Garden on UGA's Campus. Tents had to be set up because it was misting but it was still beautiful. Bethany's husband tricked her into taking a walk through the founders garden and before she knew it....Surprise!! We were all waiting for her with our books in hand to discuss. We started off with birthday presents and then discussing Jane Austin's Persuasion. I had a lot of fun and I know Bethany LOVED it. Plus I am pretty sure her husband scored some major points in putting this party together for her. Check out the pictures...

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